Monday, January 31, 2011

What's Happening in Egypt Today

"This is a country that is falling apart,"
-Mohamed ElBaradei- a leading opposition figure

By Friday night, protesters had set fire to the ruling party headquarters along the Nile in central Cairo and the first reports of looting emerged — people making off with electric fans and televisions from the burning complex. Mubarak ordered the military into the streets for the first time to try to control the escalating turmoil.

Chaos in Cairo

On Saturday, the tens of thousands of police who normally patrol the streets vanished. Security officials, asked why they disappeared, said that remained unclear. But the police, who are hated by many, may have been seen as just fanning the flames.
Gangs of armed men attacked jails, sending thousands of inmates into the unpoliced streets.As night fell, the neighborhood watches took up where the police left off.

protesters take to the street in Egypt

one of the latest news :

1. semua flight ke luar mesir telah dibatalkan
2. semua flight masuk ke mesir tidak dapat dipastikan
3. harga ticket melambung sehingga 7 kali ganda
4. huru hara kat airport, dibanjiri manusia
5. dalam masa 24 jam, sekirang tidak ada perubahan terhadap jadual penerbangan, pelajar malaysia yg berada di airport akan bergerak pulang ke negeri masing2..

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