Monday, June 27, 2011

Practice Sustainer Door Opener

1.Membaca "La ilaha illahah" -  Whoever is slow provision should be more like it hawla wala quwwata illa Billah (HR.At-Tabrani.

2.Membaca "La ilaha illallahul malikul haqqul Mubin" -  Anyone who read "La ilaha illallahul malikul haqqul Mubin", the reading will be peace from poverty and become odorless of fear in the grave. " (Narrated by Abu Nu'aim and Ad-Dailami).

3.Melanggengkan Istighfar -  "Whoever perpetuate forgiveness, He will remove him from all evil and gives and gives him sustenance from whence no diduganya". (HR.Ahmad, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Majah).

4.Membaca Surah Al-Ikhlas -  "Anyone who read the Surah al-Ikhlas when entering the house, then (Blessing) listen to eliminate poverty from residents and neighbors." (HR.Tabrani).

5.Membaca al-Waqia -  "Whoever recites Surah al-Waqia every night, it will not suffer hardship."(Narrated by Sufis in Syu'ab al-Iman).

Shalawat 6.Memperbanyak the Prophet saw Shallahu Alaihi Wa -  Ubay ibn Ka'b narrated, when it passed the third night, the Prophet saw Shallahu Alaihi Wa stood and said, "WAHAU man, remember the remembrance of Allah. The next blow (trumpet of Resurrection), the first blow and then escorted keuda. The coming of death and the inconvenience in it. "

7.Membaca "Subhanallah wabihamdihi subhanallahil 'adzhim -  .. every sentence is an angel who glorify Allah Ta'ala is given for you until the Day of Judgement sampia tasbihnya the reward is given for you ". (HR.Al-Mustaqfiri in Ad-Da'wat, dinukilkan of al-Ghazali's Ihya Ulumuddin).

Meanwhile, it is narrated from Ibn Abbas, some Pagans who do evil and sin, that they murder and adultery. Thus, m ereka facing Allah to repent. They asked him, what will be accepted they repent?Then, came the sentence that describes must not give up to continue to seek forgiveness Rabbul Alamin.

Say, "O my Servants who have transgressed against themselves! Despair not of the mercy of God.Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful . " (Qur'an: Al-Zummar: 53)

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