Thursday, June 30, 2011


If this is not dangerous enough to walk on, think of what will happen if you were to walk on the ‘siratulmustaqeem’ during the Judgement Day – Naked!
Will you make it to Heaven or will you drop down to Hell? What you do in your life now will determine your place in the afterlife. So don’t wait until you are old to repent & ‘collect’ your ‘pahala’ @ reward later.
Still, don’t do that because you want to make it to heaven and scared of Hell when we should be scared of Allah and do everything for the sake of Allah only and nothing else.
Start as early as possible when you are still young & energetic to do everything ‘Fissabilillah’ @ In the path/sake of Allah. The early you start to realize the value of life and improving your life as a better muslim everyday, the more reward @ ‘pahala’ you will collect.
All the best thing in this world is nothing compared to the things you will be rewarded by Allah in the after world. This life is just a loan & gift from Allah, a chance to live for a certain amount of decreed time by Allah.
Allah chose humans as Khalif above the Angels who never stop praising and obeying Allah every milliseconds , not even the Iblis the Devil who had even more power than the humans & this is the reason – that humans, being only human have the capabilities as a Khalif , better than the Angels, Devils & all of His creation
Prophet Muhammad SAW is the best example,even being taken as the perfect example to reflect what Quran & Islam is about. Religion of Allah was perfected ever since the Adam time’s until Islam came, else there won’t be a specific verse in the Quran that says:
"Today I have perfected your deen for you and completed My blessing upon you and I am pleased with Islam as a deen for you." (Al Ma’idah 5:3)

So be thankful that wherever you are from,whatever you did,whoever you are born as, however you came to Islam – you have been chosen by Allah to embrace Islam. Allah choose whoever He wants to become a muslim, no matter how hard you try to convince people to embrace Islam, if Allah does not allows it – they will forever be blinded and left astray.
So if they don’t become a muslim, then let them be, if they are meant to be, they will become – just maybe not now and perhaps not meant to become one through you. Always remember its not you are the reason for them to become a muslim or not but its Allah who open their heart. We can only invite them,inform them,tell them even if its just one verse but the rest is up to Allah to decide & give mercy on the one’s He chooses.
What is important for us to remember is for us to improve our relationship with Allah,with other human beings even if they are not a muslim – they deserve to be treated like any other human beings for as long as they don’t endanger you or force you to do things against what Allah says – there is no reason we shouldn’t be kind and do good to other’s, even if to animals / plant & anything around us.
Have you ever wondered why it is compulsory to recite Al Fatihah in every prayers? This is the reason why, so that even those who may not be as good as Prophet SAW or the rest of the muslims we always hear their story for being one of the greatest muslim role model/character/amal @ good deeds/story of their life …
…..we can at least get our reward @‘pahala’ even by doing the compulsory is enough for Allah, that even by reciting one verse such as Allahuakbar - Allah counts word by word for mentioning Allah’s name in every of our prayers/zikrullah by multiplying with even more rewards/’pahala’ that if we were to count and know how much Allah’s blessing to us you’d be weeping everyday thanking Allah.

How Merciful Allah is right?
So whenever you are lost, always run back to Allah,its never too late to turn around & start over as long as you don’t turn your back from Allah – if you want to change but you are afraid of what other people will say about your changes, remember that the ONLY ONE who you should be afraid of, who matters, is no one except Allah.
Never be afraid of what other people would say,instead – be afraid of Allah. Don’t think twice, just do it. Because if you really want to change for the better by returning to Allah , Allah will make it easy for us to change & He will give you the strength once you surrender everything to Allah – let Allah carry your burden & He will lift it for you to help you. Allah is Ever-Helpful, all you have to do is ask Allah – anything, anything at all, whenever,wherever,even if it just in your mind Allah knows what you hide inside or outside.
Don’t wait, because the moment you feel whatever you are feeling now, you know that Allah is calling for you to come back to Him.Allah misses you,each and everyone of you!
Even Prophet SAW misses us even if he haven’t seen us – he knows that at the end of time we are the Ummah that he always speaks so proudly about the Ummah who believe in Prophet SAW, who love him even without seeing him, who believe – the Quran,the Judgement Day & everything in Islam even without Prophet SAW himself telling them what Islam is about. The sahabah were jealous of us, the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad SAW, the Last human beings to ever live in this world.
Stop making up reasons, it will only hold you back even further – take one step to Allah & Allah will come to you a thousand step forward. Don’t wait until its too late that even Allah turn His back from us & replace us with new muslims because that is what happening nowadays – that there are even more new muslims in this world to replace the one’s who was born a muslim but wasted their chance by not practicing Islam ( I don’t refer to those who is still learning to become better muslim, I meant those who purposely and aware of what they do is against Allah)
The good news is that Allah will never turn His back from us,wherever you turn to East, West,North or South you will see ‘the face’ of Allah, that’s why the earth is round because wherever you are you will always turn to Allah – you can never hide even if you dig till the core of the earth or fly to the moon or Mars or even Pluto you will see His signs through each of Allah creation that you wont be able to create a Quran as perfect as what it is already been perfected by Allah.
Have they not travelled about the earth and do they not have hearts to understand with or ears to hear with? It is not their eyes which are blind but the hearts in their breasts which are blind. (Al Hajj 22:46)
What is good comes from Allah, what is bad comes from within myself.
May this be a reminder to us all & help us to be a better muslim from now onwards. InsyaAllah

Monday, June 27, 2011

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Gets Going!

Often, people are pessismistic about things happen around them. There are various way to tackle such issue. Everything comes from what you believe in you and not what others believe in you. If you believe in yourself, you are about to make it. But if you are not, you know the answer.
Of course, this entry have a basic core principle, as the writer is a muslim, it is therfore he is subjected to submit to GOD will’s. Nevertheless, GOD are pursuing human kind to ponder upon creations and universe to be a ruler in this world. It is a good start to talk about our own kingdom before we want to talk about broader kingdom and starts to govern others kingdom.
Believe or faith have a large perspective, the perspective that I want to discuss here is the inner goverment in you that makes you a leader. What does it means? Excellencies of governance come from excellent self control. Self control does not come from your external appearences only, otherwise it is a fake leadership. Usually, that kind of leadership does not last long unless they are using some disgusting methodology that trap people to be their supporter without them knowing it, it’s like an extacy.
A true leader journey begins from his heart, from his soul. It is a common thing that we should ponder ourselves, every single person wants to be a good person, they want to help others, but through their own way. By choosing your own way without guidance is the first false step to take in your life. Such action could lead you to nowhere and even worse is that you are going to waste your time and effort no knowing what you are doing. You could amaze yourself or others with the achievement but hey, what does this really mean? Is worthy or is it worthless? That is not the best time for you to start thinking, that should be your first step before you do anything.
Soul is the core of living things, soul is the ultimate power in you that you must work with. But GOD is the Ultimate Power over your body and your soul. Combination of soul and mind, is the key to success. What does key means? Key is major factor in exploring new worlds, new talents, new route for you. All there’s left is for you to discover. It is crucial that you know that you are not alone. Your body may feel tired, but your soul will keep motivating you, without you acknowledge the presence of your soul in your life. Life is a journey, and in the journey you must make decisions to which path you are choosing as you are responsible of your life.
Soul and body would never be living in hamony unless both of them support each other, until both of them share the same dreams and desire. They are from different world, but they are connected. The connection is the main thing that we need to bear in mind. The connection is where everything begins. Through connections you start to communicate and by communcating, you know each other. How do you know each other?
As soul is a divine creation by GOD, you must learn and seek knowledge about it. By knowing your excellencies of feeding it, be friend of it, understand the basic needs of it you are going to be the best team mate ever. No other creation could lead you despair.
So, there is only one way to get going. Stay connected!

Kasih Allah S.W.T

Sahabat sesungguhnya tidakkah kalian tahu bahawa Allah itu Maha Penyayang. Sifat penyayangnya begitu besar. Buktinya dikurniakan kita pelbagai nikmat sehinggakan kita sendiri tidak terhitung akan nikmatnya.
Namun, kita sebagai hamba Allah sering leka akan hal ini.
Apabila kita diberikan ujian, kita dengan mudah mengatakan Allah itu kejam. Sedangkan kita tidak tahu,diberikannya ujian pada kita untuk menguji siapa yang paling beriman antara kita.Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menguji hambanya melainkan apa yang termampu untuk ditanggungi oleh hambanya sendiri. Hal ini saja mebuktikan Allah itu tidak kejam seperti yang dituduh oleh hamba yang tidak mahu menggunakan nikmat akal yang dianugerahkan olehnya untuk berfikir akan hikmahnya diberikan ujian.
Sahabat, tidakkah kalian tahu bahawa Allah itu Maha Pengampun sesugguhnya. Allah S.W.T dengan begitu mudah memaafkan hambanya yang banyak melakukan kesalahan terhadapnya. Dia yang melahirkan dalam diri hambanya sifat untuk saling memaafi, maka mengapakah kita tidak percaya bahawa Allah itu Maha Pengampun.
Dan jika kalian percaya mengapa apabila engkau telah jauh tersasar dari jalannya mengapa mudah saja kalian berputus asa dari rahmatnya? Apakah tidak ada keyakinan dalam dirimu akan sifat Ghaffar-Nya. Disini ingin saya coretkan satu kisah yang akan membuatkan kamu tidak bisa lagi menafikan  bahawa Allah itu Maha penyayang lagi Maha Pengampun.
Diceritakan bahawa seseorang telah diperintahkan masuk ke dalam neraka.Setelah sepertiga perjalanan, dia menoleh kebelakang sambil meneruskan perjalanan.Setelah separuh perjalanan, dia menoleh lagi dan melakukan lagi perkara yang serupa setelah dua pertiga perjalanan,
Lalu Allah S.W.T berfirman,"Bawa kembali orang itu ke sini!" Allah S.W.T bertanya,"Mengapa engkau menoleh sampai tiga kali? "Lalu orang itu menjawab,"Setelah aku sampai sepertiga perjalanan,aku teringat akan firman-Mu:"Dan tuhanmu Maha Pengampun lagi penuh rahmat"(Al Kahfi 18: 58).
Oleh kerana teringat akan firman Allah inilah maka dia menoleh dengan penuh pengharapan agar bisa mendapat keampunan dan rahmat-Mu.
Setelah orang itu sampai ke dua pertiga perjalanan,orang itu teringat pula  akan firman-Allah" Katakan,hai hamba-hamba Ku yang melampaui batas terhadap diri mereka sendiri,janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah"(Al-Zumar 39: 53).Maka semakin bertambahlah harapanku untuk mendapatkan maghfirah dan rahmat-Mu!" Allah S.W.T kemudian berfirman,"Pergilah engkau, sesungguhnya Aku telah mengampunimu!"

Berdasarkan kisah yang di atas benarkan apa yang telah saya katakan, bahawa Allah itu sememangnya Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.Dengan mengetahui hal ini janganlah kita sesekali berputus asa dari rahmatnya.
 Walau sebesar manapun dosa yang telah kita lakukan walau sejauh manapun kita tersasar dari jalan kebenaran kta tidak boleh berputus asa mengharap keampunannya.Malah kita harus berterusan berdoa agar kelak kita akan diampuni oleh-Nya dan bertaubatlah atas dosa yang kita lakukan,kerana Allah juga Maha Penerima Taubat.Wallahualam.

I Am Beautiful, You Are Too!

I will say... "I am beautiful, you are beautiful, she is beautiful too, and they are all beautiful. We all will always look beautiful."
Then a person might ask me, "What makes you think that way? "Or the least, "Perasan...You look normal to me."
 And what do you say? Isn't beauty is too subjective? Hard to identify and classify. Everyone is different."
 Yeah I know...
 "Beauty isn't just about the look. Beautiful person is the one with beautiful heart. The beauty is in the eyes of the beholder."
 "Look! She is beautiful! She is hot!. Put on some colors on your lips. You ain't look hot without make-ups, not beautiful..."
 That is it. Enough! Different people with different definitions..Different people with different opinions..
If that so, how about those who were born to be "I am not beautiful" or "You are not beautiful?" Do not worry. Do a plastic surgery!
 Then waste my money? No. I do not want that. Even if I'm to be the richest person in the world.. I will never do that! Insha'Allah...
 "But why not?"
 Because you will end up being buried like other dead people do. Then after a while your beautiful skin, look, body will no longer be the same and will no longer look the same. You are no longer beautiful! Beautiful? Hot? Ugly? Hidious? It doesn't matter anymore. So what is up with all those plastic surgery and make-ups? They are not worthy. Not at all!
 "So what's 'beauty' for you then?"
 Oh! Simple..."Natural pure-beauty..."
 "How is that?"
 My answer is: Be thankful for who you are, despite of how you looK, be thankful for what you have as Allah SWT has given you what is best for you, be thankful and stop comparing yourself with what other people have and feel enough with what you have will make you the richest person on earth..
 Stop focusing on the physical (the look) and start perfecting your heart (manners). Then you will result in tranquility, trust me. Oh Muslims! We are all beautiful because we are Muslims. Beautiful by the way of Islam sees us. Beautiful by the way of Islam shapes us. Beautiful in a way Allah and his messenger wanted us to become to.
 So I will say...
 "You and I are beautiful. No difference..."
 Because you and I are the same,
Sharing a very common thing,
Sharing the same beauty of Islam,
Sharing Islam and that we are all Muslims.
Islam is beautiful. Therefore, we are all beautiful, insha'Allah...

Solat Dan Lima Jenis Manusia

"SUDAH lama kita bersolat, tetapi nampaknya keajaiban dan jaminan solat yang disebut Allah masih samar-samar dalam kehidupan kita. Allah memberi jaminan dalam firman-Nya, bermaksud: “Sudah pasti berjaya orang mukmin iaitu orang yang khusyuk dalam solatnya.” (Surah al-Mukminun: 1,2)

Pada pertemuan kali ini, penulis mengajak remaja dan siapa saja bermuhasabah mengenai peringkat solat.
Bukannya konsep kejayaan dan cara hendak mencapai khusyuk, tetapi ada beberapa jenis dan golongan serta gaya bersolat di kalangan orang Islam yang semuanya akan mempengaruhi perangai dan cara hidup.

* Jenis Pertama
Hari ini, ramai umat Islam yang tidak bersolat, bahkan ramai juga yang tidak tahu hendak bersolat. Ada yang menafikan kewajipan solat, mereka jatuh kafir sebab itu kadangkala perangainya dengan si kafir tidak ada beza.

* Jenis Kedua
Orang yang melakukan solat secara zahir saja, malah bacaan pun masih tidak betul, taklid buta dan main ikut-ikut orang lain.

Jadi, golongan ini sekejap bersolat, sekejap tidak. Jika ada masa dan emosi baik, dia bersolat. Kalau sibuk dan ada program kenduri, pesta ria, berziarah, bermusafir, letih dan penat, dia tidak bersolat.

Orang ini jatuh fasik. Tidak belajar solat mahupun secara rasmi atau tidak rasmi. Ilmu mengenai solat ialah apa yang dipelajari ketika kecil dan tadika saja. Golongan ini tertolak, bahkan berdosa besar dan hidup dalam keadaan derhaka kepada Allah.

* Jenis Ketiga

Golongan yang melakukan solat cukup lima waktu, tepat ilmunya, faham setiap bacaan solat, Fatihah, doa Iftitah dan tahiyatnya, tetapi tidak dihayati dalam solat itu.

Fikirannya masih melayang mengingatkan perkara dunia tanpa menghayati solat. Golongan ini dikategorikan sebagai solat ‘awamul Muslimin’ dan jika dididik serta ditambah mujahadah (kesungguhan), dia akan berjaya dalam solat.

* Jenis Keempat

Golongan ini baik sedikit daripada golongan sebelumnya, tetapi main tarik tali dalam solatnya.

Sesekali dia khusyuk, sesekali lalai pula. Apabila teringat sesuatu dalam solatnya, teruslah terbawa-bawa, berkhayal dan seterusnya.

Apabila teringat Allah secara tiba-tiba, insaf dan sedarlah semula, cuba dibawa hati serta fikirannya untuk menghayati setiap kalimah dan bacaan dalam solat. Begitulah sehingga selesai solatnya.

Peringkat ini orang terbabit akan mula memasuki zon ‘memelihara solat’, tetapi masih belum seronok dengan solat.

* Jenis Kelima

Golongan yang melakukan solat tepat ilmunya, faham secara langsung bacaan dan setiap lafaz dalam solatnya.

Hati dan fikirannya tidak terbawa-bawa dengan keadaan sekeliling sehingga pekerjaan serta apa pun yang dilakukan atau difikirkan di luar solat itu tidak mempengaruhi so latnya.

Walaupun dia memiliki harta dunia, menjalankan kewajipan dan tugas keduniaan seperti perniagaan, semua itu tidak mempengaruhi solatnya. Hatinya masih dapat memuja Allah dalam solat. Golongan ini disebut orang soleh.

Sebenarnya banyak lagi peringkat solat, tetapi keterbatasan ruangan sekadar lima tahap ini rasanya sudah boleh mu hasabah diri mengenai tahap solat yang kita lakukan.

Jika kita berada di peringkat satu, dua dan tiga, kita sebenarnya belum selamat dan mungkin solat tidak mampu mendapat jaminan Allah.

Ibadat solat boleh membangunkan jiwa dan iman, men jauhkan daripada yang buruk dan merungkai mazmumah (sifat keji), menanamkan mahmudah (sifat terpuji), me lahirkan disiplin hidup dan akhlak yang agung. Semoga solat kita akan berlangsung sebagai mi’raj.

Practice Sustainer Door Opener

1.Membaca "La ilaha illahah" -  Whoever is slow provision should be more like it hawla wala quwwata illa Billah (HR.At-Tabrani.

2.Membaca "La ilaha illallahul malikul haqqul Mubin" -  Anyone who read "La ilaha illallahul malikul haqqul Mubin", the reading will be peace from poverty and become odorless of fear in the grave. " (Narrated by Abu Nu'aim and Ad-Dailami).

3.Melanggengkan Istighfar -  "Whoever perpetuate forgiveness, He will remove him from all evil and gives and gives him sustenance from whence no diduganya". (HR.Ahmad, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Majah).

4.Membaca Surah Al-Ikhlas -  "Anyone who read the Surah al-Ikhlas when entering the house, then (Blessing) listen to eliminate poverty from residents and neighbors." (HR.Tabrani).

5.Membaca al-Waqia -  "Whoever recites Surah al-Waqia every night, it will not suffer hardship."(Narrated by Sufis in Syu'ab al-Iman).

Shalawat 6.Memperbanyak the Prophet saw Shallahu Alaihi Wa -  Ubay ibn Ka'b narrated, when it passed the third night, the Prophet saw Shallahu Alaihi Wa stood and said, "WAHAU man, remember the remembrance of Allah. The next blow (trumpet of Resurrection), the first blow and then escorted keuda. The coming of death and the inconvenience in it. "

7.Membaca "Subhanallah wabihamdihi subhanallahil 'adzhim -  .. every sentence is an angel who glorify Allah Ta'ala is given for you until the Day of Judgement sampia tasbihnya the reward is given for you ". (HR.Al-Mustaqfiri in Ad-Da'wat, dinukilkan of al-Ghazali's Ihya Ulumuddin).

Meanwhile, it is narrated from Ibn Abbas, some Pagans who do evil and sin, that they murder and adultery. Thus, m ereka facing Allah to repent. They asked him, what will be accepted they repent?Then, came the sentence that describes must not give up to continue to seek forgiveness Rabbul Alamin.

Say, "O my Servants who have transgressed against themselves! Despair not of the mercy of God.Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful . " (Qur'an: Al-Zummar: 53)

● ● ● ● ⊱ ● ● ⊱ ● ● ⊱ Spread-spread Hopefully Helpful ● ● ⊰ ● ● ⊰ ● ● ● ●

First Love Story

As you know, the most important thing in life is living as a Muslim and dying as a Muslim. Prophet Muhammad said which means: “no one enters hellfire if he’s a believer”
and the believer is the one who believed in Allah the true belief and believed in Prophet Muhammad the true Belief. Even if he did not pray and committed sins other than Kuffur, he is still a believer as long as he does not blaspheme in Allah, and he dies on that belief.
Once a Muslim young man loved a Christian girl, they wanted to get married but her parents would not accept because he was a Muslim! It was a big dilemma for them! But they both loved each other sincerely and thought nothing should separate them.
One day, the Muslim man got very ill and was dying, he was on the death bed. A friend of his was beside him, he told him: Say Shahadah, say La Ilaha Illa llah Muhammadun Rasulullah, but the Muslim man didn’t say it, he cried and told his friend: I’m afraid that if I die as Muslim I will not find my beloved in the hereafter!! So I want to become Christian hopefully I will meet her in the hereafter!! And he became Christian!! He came out of Islam, he became a murtad! And right after he went out of Islam he died! So he died as a non-Muslim.
The girl that he used to love came asking about her lover, she found his friend, she asked him: Have you seen that person (her lover)? He sadly told her that he died! But he did not tell her that he went out of Islam (Apostated). She was very sad and cried, and said: I fear not to meet him in the hereafter, So I bear witness that there’s no God except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah! She embraced Islam! Later on she died, and died as a Muslim and her lover had died as a non-Muslim, she won Paradise and lost him, and he lost her and lost paradise and got hellfire.
Subhanallah, the wisdom behind this story is for one to remain steadfast onto Islam and keep the intention in the heart that I will live all my life on Islam and to stay patient over the hardships and calamities, and Allah will reward tremendously. We ask Allah to keep us stead fast to Islam, wal Hamdulillah.

Secret To True Love

I once had a friend who grew to be very close to me. Once when we were sitting at the edge of a swimming pool, she filled the palm of her hand with some water and held it before me, and said this: "You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love."
 This was how I saw it: As long as you keep your hand caringly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers round it and try to posses it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds.
 This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love... they try to posses it, they demand, they expect... and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you. For love is meant to be free, you cannot change its nature. If there are people you love, allow them to be free beings.
"Give and don't expect. Advise, but don't order. Ask, but never demand."
 It might sound simple, but it is a lesson that may take a lifetime to truly practice. It is the secret to true love. To truly practice it, you must sincerely feel no expectations from those who you love, and yet an unconditional caring.
 A good companion is not like the rain, which comes and goes. It's like the air, sometimes very quite!
 If you love something, set it free; if it comes back it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011


atok ada terbaca satu artikel di internet mengenai beberapa buah pulau yang akan hilang dan musnah dalam beberapa tempoh tahun akan datang..malah, ada pulau yang dikatakan akan hilang dari peta dunia sebaik tamat abad ke-21..hohoho..
canme nih..x sempat lagi atok nak keliling dunia, banyak pantai yang best-best akan lenyap..atok pun x pasti cucu-cucu atok dapat tengok pantai ni lagi x..cucu tengok gambar je la ye..hihihi
nak taw kenapa pantai tu lenyap boleh rujuk artikel ni : Last-Chance Beaches
enam pantai tersebut ialah
  1. The Maldives
    • image
  2. Goa, India
    • image
  3. Phu Quoc, Vietnam
    • image
  4. Saugatuck Dunes, Michigan
    • image
  5. Morocco
    • image
  6. Mullins Bay, Barbados
    • image
sedih jugak ye..huhuhu..masa kecik-kecik dulu atok selalu gi mandi air laut kat woo..atok selalu pergi Pantai Bukit Kluang dan Pantai Air Tawar sebab dua pantai tu dekat dengan umah atok..xde la dekat sangat..dalam 10 minit jugak la kalau naik woo..hihihi
kadang-kadang tu pergi jugak pantai yang femes iaitu PCB..siapa taw PCB tu apa? PCB ada dua nama..nama baru dan nama lama..cepat2 jawab di ruangan komen..sapa jawab betol atok pergi jeguk blog dia..hihihi..jangan lupa kasi sekali URL blog dengan jawapan..
nak tengok pantai tempat atok selalu pergi tu?
ada banyak gua kat situ..kat belakang bukit ini ada ramai kaki pancing duk menduga pancing..banyak jugak la ikan..
air pantai tu x tawar pun..masin jugak..atok x pasti la kalau air kat pantai air tawar ni kurang kemasinannya..yang pasti, airnya tetap masin..kalau berkelah kat sini best..sebab banyak pokok Rhu..kalau sesapa x kenal pokok rhu..



SESUNGGUHNYA kualiti seorang insan diukur dengan keimanan dan perilaku mulia yang ada dalam jiwa mereka. Kedua-dua ukuran ini (iman dan akhlak) akan sentiasa seiringan dalam jiwa manusia bagi memastikan kedudukan serta darjat yang tinggi di sisi Allah.

Sabda Rasulullah SAW dalam hadis riwayat Abu Daud bermaksud: “Aku memberi jaminan bahawa orang yang berakhlak mulia akan bersamaku di syurga yang paling tinggi.” 
 Sifat kasih sayang dan kelembutan hati adalah petanda orang yang mempunyai sifat kesempurnaan serta kehebatan dalam dirinya.
Sifat sabar terhadap ujian dan sedia memaafkan orang yang menganiaya kita adalah sebaik-baik akhlak yang sangat dipuji Allah seperti firman Allah bermaksud: “Dan mereka yang sanggup mengawal kemarahan serta memaafkan kesalahan orang lain.”

Sementara itu, Fudail Bin Iyadh berkata, kedua-dua sifat penyayang dan pemaaf adalah sifat Nabi dan Rasul yang mana Nabi Ibrahim dipuji oleh Allah dalam surah Hud dengan firman yang bermaksud: “Sesungguhnya Ibrahim adalah seorang yang penyayang dan sentiasa mendekatkan diri dengan Allah.” Lalu Allah anugerahkan padanya seorang putera yang hebat iaitu Ismail.

Nabi Nuh, Musa serta junjungan besar Muhammad SAW juga menghadapi ujian sama dengan tentangan dan gangguan hebat daripada kaum mereka sendiri sehingga Baginda menyebut kepada isterinya Aishah: “Aku amat berharap akan lahir dari tulang sulbi mereka insan yang akan menyembah Allah yang maha Esa.” (Hadis riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim).

Baginda juga pernah berkata kepada Ibnu Abd Qais: “Sesungguhnya padamu ada dua sifat yang disukai Allah dan Rasul-Nya iaitu perasaan kasih dan pemaaf.” (Hadis riwayat Muslim dari Anas bin Masud)

Insan paling hebat di sisi Baginda SAW ialah Saidina Abu Bakar kerana mempunyai sifat penyayang dan pemaaf. Ini diakui Saidina Umar dengan katanya: “Abu Bakar lebih baik dariku kerana dia seorang yang lemah lembut lagi pemaaf. Beliau juga berani dan teguh pendirian dan tidak pernah goyang dengan segala gangguan serta cabaran kaum Musyrikin.”

Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud: “Tidak dikategorikan sebagai orang yang kuat dengan beradu tenaga dan kekuatan, tetapi orang yang kuat ialah mereka yang mampu memadamkan api kemarahannya ketika dia marah.” (Hadis riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

Mendiamkan diri daripada orang yang jahil lebih baik daripada melayan kerenah mereka kerana mendiamkan diri adalah sesuatu azab terhadap orang yang bodoh dan jahil.

Seorang lelaki telah memaki hamun seorang tabiin bernama (Sya’bi) lalu beliau menjawab: “Jika benar apa yang kamu katakan, semoga Allah mengampuniku dan jika salah, maka Allah juga bisa mengampunimu kerana sesiapa yang memaafkan orang lain akan dimaafkan Allah.”

Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauzi pernah berkata: “Seseorang akan diperlakukan seperti apa yang dilakukan terhadap orang lain kerana semua akan mendapat sesuatu yang setimpal dengan usahanya. Sesiapa yang memaafkan akan dimaafkan Allah. Begitu juga bagi yang melampaui batas juga akan memberati baginya kelak.”

Sifat marah adalah anasir yang boleh merosakkan akhlak dan berpotensi mencalarkan maruah seseorang. Pernah disebut seseorang kepada Abdullah Bin Mubarak (ulama tabiin): “Dapatkah tuan memberikan sesuatu yang boleh membentuk kesempurnaan akhlak? Maka beliau menjawab: Kawal kemarahanmu kerana ia adalah wasiat Baginda SAW. Baginda didatangi seseorang dengan soalan yang sama, maka jawab Baginda: “Janganlah kamu marah (sebanyak tiga kali).” (Hadis riwayat Bukhari).

Ada juga perawi hadis menambahkan, setiap kemarahan akan diiringi dengan setiap jenis kejahatan dan akan melemahkan akal fikiran manusia hingga sanggup berkata dusta serta melakukan perkara di luar peradaban manusia.

Baginda pernah berdoa yang bermaksud: “Ya Allah, aku memohon kata-kata benar ketika akut1.gstaticsedang marah.” (Hadis riwayat Nasai’)

Ada kala manusia boleh kehilangan segala-galanya disebabkan sifat marah. Jabir bin Abullah berkata: “Kami pernah berjalan bersama Baginda SAW bersama seekor unta lalu berkatalah seseorang kepada unta itu: Laknat ke atasmu, lalu didengar oleh Baginda SAW. Lalu Baginda menjawab: “Siapakah orang yang melaknat untanya sila pergi dari sini kerana perbuatannya itu akan menjauhkan dirinya daripada rahmat Allah dan doanya tidak akan dimakbulkan ketika ia marah.” (Hadis riwayat Muslim)

Ini menunjukkan doa orang yang sedang marah akan ditolak Allah. Nabi SAW pernah menyarankan kepada mereka yang sedang marah supaya memohon perlindungan dengan Allah daripada syaitan yang direjam.

"Ya Rabb, adakah yang lebih kuat dari paku?"

Kali pertama bumi ini diciptakan, katanya bumi ini selalu bergoyang, bergoncang dan tidak berputar dengan stabil malah tidak berputar pada paksinya. Perkara ini merunsingkan para malaikat lalu para malaikat mengadap Allah SWT.

"Wahai Rabb Yang Maha mengetahui, mengapa bumi ini bergoyang?" Tanya para malaikat.
"Kerana belum dipaku." jawab Allah SWT singkat.
"Lalu bagaimana Engkau memaku bumi wahai Rabb?" Tanya para malaikat lagi.
"Aku akan mencipta gunung ganang." Jawab Allah.

Setelah itu, Allah terus mencipta gunung ganang di berbagai belahan bumi. Apa yang terjadi adalah sememangnya benar setelah diciptakannya gunung ganang, bumi pun diam kemudian berputar sesuai paksinya. Maka kemudian gunung pun dikenali sebagai paku bumi yang diciptakan Allah SWT.

Paku merupakan benda keras yang diperbuat dari besi. Setelah Allah menciptakan paku bumi iaitu gunung ganang, kemudian para malaikat bertanya lagi.

"Ya Rabb, adakah yang lebih kuat dari paku?"
"Ada!" Jawab Allah. Iaitu api, yang dengan panasnya dapat melelehkan besi."
"Adakah yang lebih kuat dari api, Ya Rabb?" Tanya malaikat lagi.
"Ada! Yakni air yang yang dapat memadamkan api." Jawab Allah lagi.
"Jadi Ya Rabb, adakah yang lebih kuat lagi selain air?" Sambung malaikat.
"Ada! Iatu angin, kerananya dapat membawa air ke mana pun ia menghembus." Jawab Allah lagi.

"Tapi, Ya Rabb, adakah yang lebih kuat dari semua itu (gunung, api, air, angin)?" Malaikat bertanya lagi.

"Ada! Iaitu nafas hamba-Ku yang berdoa kepadaKu. Kerana sesungguhnya DOA itu mampu mengubah takdirKu." Demikian Allah SWT menjelaskan. 
[Hadis Qudsi]